Keller Singapore Wins Top Wellbeing Award

While Singapore is renowned for its demanding work culture, Keller has long recognised the importance of promoting employee welfare. A wellness committee was set up in 2015 and, along with the safety team, has been very active ever since, running a wide range of health, safety and wellbeing activities.

Those efforts were recently recognised at the government’s Workplace Safety and Health Council Awards 2023, with Keller winning the Culture of Acceptance, Respect and Empathy (CARE) Award at a gala dinner held in August.

“Winning this prestigious national award reaffirms that we’re on the right track and helps to energise our passion and belief,” says Seah Yeow Teck, General Manager. “Keller Singapore believes in the wellbeing framework of Body, Mind, Community, Growth and Financial Security. The journey is not always smooth sailing but our team has been pushing on, strongly believing in the positivity that it brings.”

Over the years the wellness committee and safety team have organised group exercise sessions, lunchtime games and a wide range of other activities. Employees also benefit from educational sponsorship and wellness-focused training, such as psychological first aid.

To win the award, Keller had to provide evidence of the company’s safety, health and mental wellbeing programmes and how they increase the performance and awareness of the workforce.

The Workplace Safety and Health Council is a statutory body that works closely with the industry, unions, professionals, trade associations and other government agencies to raise health and safety standards.