Exploring new horizons: Cell and gene therapy access in the Asia Pacific region
Exploring new horizons: Cell and gene therapy access in APAC
In the APAC region, evaluating CGTs for reimbursement is still a relatively new concept in the context of market access.
Payers are developing their perspectives on the value of innovative therapies and determining effective ways to assess them using existing health technology assessment (HTA) methods or modifying them as necessary. Additionally, innovative financing and payment models are in their early stages of exploration.
As global CGT leaders seek entry into these markets, the competitive local CGT landscape adds an extra layer of complexity. To ensure timely access to CGTs in the evolving APAC payer landscape, a profound understanding of the market access dynamics for these therapies and associated technologies is essential.
Learning objectives
- Understand the evolving APAC cell and gene therapy regulatory and reimbursement landscape
- Gain insights into the CGT capabilities of local biotechs in APAC and where their products are today
- Discover how global learnings for overcoming hurdles to optimal CGTs access can be adapted for the APAC region
- Delve into critical considerations for building the necessary ecosystems to successfully deploy CGTs in the APAC region