The Fry Group Webinar: Passing wealth to the next generation

20-09-2023 6:00 PM


The Fry Group Webinar

With increasing numbers likely to be caught off guard by Inheritance Tax (IHT) as a result of spiralling house prices combined with frozen tax allowances, it’s important to consider who you want to inherit your wealth and personal effects, and how to pass them on in the most tax-efficient way.
In this webinar, our panel of in-house experts will discuss the proactive tax and estate planning steps you can take to safeguard your wealth for the next generation.

What can I learn from this webinar?
•    Understanding when IHT is charged and your possible liability

•    Simple ways you can reduce your IHT bill

•    The key steps you can take to plan for IHT

•    Understanding the right time to start passing on your wealth



Panel of expert speakers
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