Women of the Future Awards Southeast Asia
The Women of the Future Awards Southeast Asia are open to all women aged 35 or under, who are citizens or permanent residents of the region.
Women of the Future are delighted to announce the 2022 Shortlist for the Southeast Asia edition of the Awards, which features women at the very top of their fields as well as rising stars: the shortlist include leaders from every sector and in a vast range of professions. From those working at the forefront of AI and determined to use tech for good, to healthcare professionals whose real-world impact in clinical research is quite literally changing lives, the shortlist feature women whose personal and career journeys are worthy of a documentary.
This initiative is an integral part of our vision to build a global, collaborative network of women. We believe the strength of our brand in the UK, as well as our expertise and experience means that we are in a strong position to positively impact different regions through our programme. So why Asia for our first awards outside of the UK?
Talent shortages are more widespread in Asia than any other region – more than 48% of Asia Pacific employees say that talent shortages pose difficulties in the hiring process. Tapping into under-utilised talent pools is crucial in order to ease the talent shortage in Asia – Women as a demographic group represent an extremely large untapped resource. We believe that the WOF programme can encourage, motivate and provide role models to inspire and strengthen the female talent pipeline and in the process create a global community of supportive and collaborative women.