WATCH ON DEMAND: Climate Change & Financial Risk

Climate change is gearing up to have profound impacts on every business around the world. In response to this growing threat, and following a pivotal speech by then governor of the Bank of England, Mark Carney, the Financial Stability Board convened the Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) to develop consistent disclosure recommendations which will help companies, investors, lenders, and insurers identify and manage material risks associated with climate change.

The Taskforce issued its final recommendations in 2017 and they have since gained traction in financial regulations around the world, including with Bank Negara, which announced late last year that it will be implementing the TCFD recommendations for Malaysian companies.

Meanwhile here in Singapore, government-owned investment firm Temasek announced last October that the company will aim to halve greenhouse gas emissions of its entire portfolio by 2030.

On 30 June we explored this topic with S&P Global, SingTel, and The Warren in a webinar moderated by Financial & FinTech committee member Russell Toop from Cheshire Consultancy.